You should never drag race on public roads, period. But that’s especially sage advice if you have a Lamborghini Huracan but lack the skills to control it.

    The police department of Murrieta, located south-east of Los Angeles, posted images of the aftermath of a drag race gone wrong.

    Two Lamborghini Huracans were allegedly drag racing when one lost control, colliding with a Toyota Prius travelling in the far right lane.

    “Due to the debris field and a few hundred feet of skid, it was obvious that one of the vehicles was not doing the posted speed limit of 45 mph. It’s not rocket science,” Murrieta PD said in its social media post.

    The Prius driver suffered only minor injuries, while the driver of the crashed Lamborghini was transported to hospital before being charged with reckless driving and engaging in an illegal speed contest.

    The police department is still looking for the other Lamborghini driver, who fled the scene, and has asked local businesses if they have caught its number plate.

    Dev Singh

    I'm an Indian-born automotive enthusiast living in the US, with a huge passion for cars. I have a natural storytelling ability and love captivating writing that brings stories to life. I've been writing about cars for over 10 years. My passion is expertly navigating the dynamic world of cars, delivering engaging content for car aficionados.

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