We love our dual-cab utes in Australia, but if there’s any other country that loves them more in the world, it’s Thailand.

    So it’s a no-brainer that Mitsubishi chose Thailand as the country to launch the all-new Triton in.

    While the launch was a pretty straightforward process, we weren’t expecting to see a set of seriously cool concept versions of the all-new Mitsubishi Triton, some even fitted with accessories from Australian four-wheel drive accessory manufacturer TJM.

    So we thought we’d put together an image gallery of some of the concept vehicles to give you an idea of what the brand thinks will be possible with the new Triton platform.

    Let us know what you think of the concepts in the comments section.

    The “let’s go racing” Triton concept

    Dropped on its guts with carbon-fibre sides, spoiler and semi-slick tyres, this ute is all about racing.

    The “let’s jump things” Triton concept

    This Triton is ready to compete in rallies and is a modified version of the base car with sufficient room for spares in the tray.

    Fruit-hauling Triton concept

    Kitted out with TJM front and rear bars and driving lights, this off-road focussed Triton is ready to hit the jungle for fruit-picking and mountain-climbing.

    Load-hauling Triton concepts

    These two are all about getting the job done. Low-rider in spec, one is fitted with an air-conditioned box, while the other has a long body for carrying loads.

    Caravanning and touring Triton concepts

    More accessories and more adventure ready gear. The Triton’s towing capacity has increased to 3500kg with a braked trailer (up from 3100kg). These concepts include one finished with a canopy and bullbar, while the other features decals and more accessories.

    Paul Maric

    Paul Maric is an Australian car expert based in Melbourne, Australia. Paul is a founder of CarExpert.com.au & formerly part of the CarAdvice founding team.

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