Imagine if you knew what others have actually paid for their brand new car? Not the advertised price or what some Facebook group or forum says you should pay, but actual transactional prices from numerous data sources including government transport departments that deal with the stamp duty forms. Real, genuine, authentic new car transactional prices.

    How much more confident would you feel if you knew you were getting a fair price for your new car that is similar to (or better than) what others have recently paid in your state?

    From all of us at CarExpert we are very happy to tell you this level of real price transparency and openness is coming your way, and you will get it here at CarExpert.

    Welcome to the CarExpert Real Price Report.

    If you have been wondering what the team at CarExpert has been up to in the last few months outside of producing the best new car content, and growing our audience to more than two million Australian visitors per month*, you are joining us at the dawn of a significant shift in our product offering, bringing to life new features never done before.

    Over the course of the last year we have been working very hard to bring to market what is without doubt an industry-first product to help new car buyers.

    How does it work?

    The seemingly never-ending search for the right car combined with dealers offering different prices and discounts might leave you wondering if you are getting a fair price. CarExpert’s Real Price Report makes your next purchase of a new car simpler by giving you confidence around the price you will pay.

    By using our system you unlock the actual average price paid for the specific make, model, and variant you are looking to purchase in your state. The actual average price is based on the most recently available transactional data (usually the previous month) across Australia.

    Once you have purchased the Real Price Report you will have added confidence in finalising the price you pay.

    This data has been available at great cost to manufacturers and the automotive industry (to compare what their competitors are actually selling their cars for, rather than advertised price) but has never been so easily accessible by the general public until now.

    Why the average price and not the lowest price?

    Given the amount of data available around new-car pricing (roughly 80-100,000 new cars are sold in Australia per month), a fair bit of data science is applied to make sure the price we present to you is a fair reflection of what most people paid for their new car.

    We have removed fleet, rental and government pricing, and are purely focused on the private buyer. Our data also removes the outliers from the pricing algorithm and focuses on the average.

    The reason we don’t provide the lowest price but a scientifically-calculated average is down to numerous reasons, including the possibility an oddly-specced car may sell well below average, or that the trade-in price of a used car has been reduced and is then offset by a discount on the new car (to avoid larger sums of stamp duty).

    You can rest assured if the price you are being quoted by your local dealer is within the range of the average price you see on CarExpert’s Real Price Report, you are getting a fair deal – and that’s what our report is all about. It’s not about giving leverage against dealers, it’s about bringing transparency and consumer confidence to the market.

    Given the current market conditions, a great number of cars are actually being sold above their advertised price and you will see that reflected in the real-world pricing data as well, giving you confidence this is normal and others are paying the same.

    How much does the report cost?

    The price of the report will be $33 when it goes live across the site. For the next seven days we are looking to you, our regular CarExpert readers and friends to tell us what you think and provide feedback – and as such are offering a discount code that will bring it down by 85 percent to $4.95 while it is in beta.

    Discount Code: CEFRIENDS85 

    We begin our public beta testing of the CarExpert Real Price Report today

    Over the coming weeks the CarExpert Real Price report will have data on every single model and variant sold in Australia, but while the product is in beta and we are testing our technology and payment platform, we have deliberately restricted the pricing data to the top 15 selling cars in the country.

    So go ahead, give it a try and tell us what you think.

    CarExpert Real Price Reports (beta):

    * Source: SimilarWeb 2.375 million Australian visitors in April 2022.

    Alborz Fallah

    Alborz is the founder of CarAdvice (sold to Nine and now Drive) and co-founder of CarExpert. He is an honourary adjunct professor & entrepreneur in residence at the University of QLD. He loves naturally-aspirated V8s, V10s and V12s and is in denial about the impending death of the internal combustion engine. The best way to reach him is via Instagram.

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