Did you see this coming?

    Dash Cam Owners Australia has uploaded dashcam footage of a shocking collision in New South Wales that saw a vehicle land on its roof.

    The almost minute-long video depicts a car driving along a two-way suburban road with vehicles parked on both sides.

    Only eight seconds into the clip a Ford Ranger cab-chassis pulls out from where they were parked and collides with the dashcam vehicle, which in turn rolls over and lands on its roof.

    The Ranger owner didn’t appear to indicate when they pulled out, and didn’t appear to see the dashcam vehicle in their side mirror.

    Once the dashcam vehicle rolled over onto its roof the Ranger stops suddenly. It’s unclear if anyone involved in the accident was injured.

    Do you think this accident was preventable? Let us know in the comments below

    Dev Singh

    I'm an Indian-born automotive enthusiast living in the US, with a huge passion for cars. I have a natural storytelling ability and love captivating writing that brings stories to life. I've been writing about cars for over 10 years. My passion is expertly navigating the dynamic world of cars, delivering engaging content for car aficionados.

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