Ben Affleck’s 10-year-old son has crashed a Lamborghini into another car after he jumped into the driver’s seat and gave the AUD$400,000 SUV a rev.
According to the dealership, Ben Affleck was out and about on a family car shopping adventure with girlfriend Jennifer Lopez and son Samuel when they visited 777 Exotics, a luxury car rental dealership.
While exploring the lot, Samuel can be seen jumping into the driver’s seat of a yellow Lamborghini Urus SUV. The vehicle must have been knocked into reverse and the exotic SUV wound up crashing into the BMW behind it.
Thankfully it was a low-speed collision, and nobody was hurt, aside from maybe a couple of egos.
Samuel immediately jumped out of the SUV to inspect the damage, which seems to be very minor from the supplied images.
An employee of 777 Exotics stressed that the whole incident was nothing more than an accident and no real damage had been caused.
A spokesperson for 777 Exotics has mentioned that:
“When [Samuel] got into the car, it jerked back and forth,” he said. “We have a small lot and the cars are close.”
“Everybody was OK! They seemed happy and continued to browse. Affleck loves cars. We hope they come in again.”