Sell My Car

    It's the fast and hassle-free way to sell your car.

    Receive a free instant valuation and find a buyer*!

    *For vehicles under 12 years and 180,000km

    Not sure? Try a registration lookup.

    How it Works

    Sell your car with confidence

    Get a free, instant valuation
    Registration, state and odometer reading is all we need to get started!
    Refine your estimate
    Tell us a bit more about the car’s condition and history to get a more accurate estimate.
    Sell or not, you decide
    If you’re happy with the quoted range, proceed to find a buyer. Not ready? Save your report and come back later!
    Fast, safe and convenient
    We will connect you with a certified buyer to manage the negotiations and settle on a price. Everybody wins!
    Sell My Car

    Why Sell With CarExpert?

    Fast and Painless
    • Obligation-free instant valuation
    • Nationwide network of buyers
    • Quick and easy payment
    • Avoid haggling and tyre-kickers
    • We take care of transfer paperwork
    • No roadworthy required
    You’re in control
    • Sell or not, you decide
    • See projected future values with your instant valuation
    • Save your report(s) for when you’re ready
    Sale Report Image


    Ready to Sell? Let's Clear Up the Questions

    Sell My Car, powered by CarExpert, allows you to quickly and easily sell your car. The platform provides users with an instant valuation which is then refined via a few additional questions.

    If a user is satisfied with the valuation range provided, they may proceed to sell the car to our network of buyers who are standing by and ready to purchase.

    Instant valuations are issued by utilising real-time market data, derived from recent sales of comparable cars. These prices reflect what CarExpert buyers are willing to pay to acquire a given vehicle and allow both the buyer and seller to quickly settle an agreement and for payment and transfer to be as painless as possible.

    CarExpert have a network of national car buyers ready and waiting to acquire vehicles under 12 years of age and with fewer than 180,000 km.

    Our process is a fast and painless alternative to more traditional ways of selling your car and can be as fast as 24hrs.

    Our benefits include:

    • An obligation-free instant valuation
    • Insights into the projected future value of your car
    • Ability to save your report(s) for when you’re ready
    • No hassles, haggling or cumbersome paperwork
    • Get paid fast

    After you have connected with a dealer and accepted their offer, an authorized buyer (dealer) will get in touch with you. They will contact you to arrange for an inspection and work together with you to decide on a suitable location for the inspection.